Friday, December 5, 2008


So after dinner (or any meal for that matter).... Zoe is usually ready for the Tub. But no one is allowed to say the "T" word because she will immediately spit out her food, rip off her bip and any other clothes that she is wearing. I try to get her to eat as much of her dinner as possible before we resort to telling her it's tub time. Now it's become quite the ritual at dinner, and we all fight over who gets to say it to her first. These pictures only capture a glimpse of her excitment to get in.


Kristin said...

Oh I want one! She was so fun to hang out with! Come again soon!!

Steve & Becky Pollei said...

Zoe's is darling, you got some great pictures of her "doing her thing." I'm sure tub time is still an event. Merry Christmas!