Monday, September 15, 2008

Drum Roll Please!!!!!

Ok, so many of you know this already, but I wanted to space out my posts since there has been so much going on in our lives lately... I thought I would stretch our good news.

I am 15 weeks tomorrow, but I got an ultra sound at 13 weeks----and although it is only 99% accurate... Zoe is going to have a little BROTHER!!!!! Yea!!!! we are soo excited and cant wait to meet this little guy. I was thinking that I was going to have a boy, but being as all the grandchildren are girls so far, we were gearing up for another little princess. However, I think that this will be the perfect addition to our little family. Zoe will adore her little brother (we hope) and if she doesn't, we will just teach her anyways. We will be getting my follow up ultra sound at 20 weeks when I am back in Philly in October to verify the ultrasound. However, I am pretty sure its a little boy because I saw his little --- and so did my mom and husband. That may explain why I have been soo sick. Well there you have it, there is the news-- and we can't wait.

As for Taylor... he just finished his internship at UCI on Saturday and he is gearing up to drive to Arizona on Thursday. Zoe and I will meet up with him in a week or so. We have had a great time in Cali so far and are so excited to move onto Az and Utah in the next few weeks. Good job Taylor for finishing UCI's butt kicking, and tireless program... you rocked.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Did you go to one of those 3D ultra sounds?

Kristin said...

OH MY GOSH! I already know but I just wanted to say CONGRATS!! and I can't wait to see you! Miss you

kellibelli said...

SO COOL!!!!!! You are following your parents pattern! I am so excited you will have one of each! It is so much fun!

Vicki said...

Fun Times...Russell pattern also. Congrats also and best of luck in the rotations. Troy is doing 2 interviews this week in Texas. We'll see how things go. Have fun in AZ...HOT STUFF there..peppers and weather! Hope you can connect up with Joy, Josh, and Landon.
Love across the miles-
Aunt Vicki

The Bottjer Family said...

Congrats! Boys are more fun than people say they are. Hopefully we'll be able to connect up when you're here in AZ.

Ann said...

Great news, Amber and Taylor! Hope Zoe doesn't beat up on him too much to make up in advance for what he'll do to her later!

liz hawkins said...

Fabulous news!!

Amber said...

Congrats! Where in AZ are you going? We live in Tucson. Want to stop by?

Amber said...

Amber.. Hey, we will be in Glenndale and a few other places, shoot me an email so that we can get together...we'd love to see you.

Shannon said...

Hey Amber. Congratulations on being pregnant again. A little boy, how exciting!