Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Official!!

The Newest and Official Developments:

Zoe's Top 4 and Newest Diet trends:

1. Deli meat-- Turkey or Chicken... she LOVES IT!!!

2. BREAD- corn bread, banana bread, or wheat bread (with cheese)- I think she will take anything (she's like her Dad- He LOVES bread)

3. Cheese, yogurt, and blueberries...(not a fan of the blueberries, but she's working on it)

4. Crackers- I got the new ones that are half pretzel and half cracker...she likes them a lot (I do too).

Zoe's Top 4 New and "Official moves"-

1. SHE'S CRAWLING.....she is fast, and all over the place.

2. She can do push-ups when she crawls in attept to try and stand.

3. She can go from crawling to sitting to laying to rolling to her push-ups quicker than I can get to her.

4. She can pull herself up to a standing postion in her crib, onto the sofa, and whatever else she can find... but she topples over (she's still working on the whole balance thing.)

Top 4 things Zoe is Officially Scared of (although this sounds's actually totally funny):

4. The blowdryer- "Why is your hair flying everywhere mom?"

3. The mixer- "Mom...what are you doing and can you paleeze stop it??"

2. The garbage disposal- "What is that thing?"

1. The vacuum-This one is the funniest...While holding her, she buries her head into my neck, while every now and then peering over her shoulder to look at the big mean monster. Now, when she sees it, she automatically crawls over to me assumes her neck position and doesn't move until I am done.

(Will she ever get used to this?)

Here are some random pictures of Zoe of the last few weeks


Joni said...

Sorry Amber, she's her daddy genenically...So cute standing in her crib, I want to eat her. Love you-Mom

Heather said...

Wow! She's growing up so fast! How exciting she's doing so many new and fun things.
We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Ezra is scared of all of those things too. He cries and cries.

Ashley Christensen said...

Wow Amber. She is a cutie pie! I'm so excited that you are coming at the end of the month. And ps...McKay is like Taylor #2. I can't even describe to you how freaky it is. And he said that when he's around me, I do so many things that remind him of you. lol wow...what a small world huh????

Anonymous said...

nice li'l kitty she has thank u for showing

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmm nakedin her crib I want some alone time with her I love molestingababy still in her crib, I want to taste herpussy