Monday, August 20, 2007

Quick Update- New Due date!!!

So I had another appointment with the doc today. Turns out that my plan to plead for him to induce me before my due date, wasn't in fact all that hard. I am almost 38 weeks pregnant, and at this point almost 90% efaced and 2 centimeters dialated. He was quite shocked to see me so efaced, given that this is my first baby, but was totally comfortable inducing me on my requested date. Secretly I think he thinks that I will probably go into labor before then and he won't have to induce me.. but it makes me feel better regardless. So my due date is Sept 6th, but he's agreed to induce me a whole week early, on August 30th. To some of you, you may be thinking that this is not a big deal.. but to me.. it's huge. For one my mom can try to plan to be there, given I don't go into labor before hand, and two.. Taylor can plan on being there for sure given his rotation if we have her that day. Of course he would be there regardless, but this way he can be home longer and over the the weekend, rather than me having her on some obscure day where he has to rush back to his rotation the next day. So for anyone that is remotely interested in my good news.... there it is. I will be having her within TEN days. Yeah! We will keep things updated!


kellibelli said...

This is HUGE NEWS! I am very excited for you! It is so nice to be able to plan....both mine have been induced and I actually really like doing it that way.. . I will be anxiuosly waiting to hear any updates!

Joy Moody Photography said...

Very exciting news Amber. I will be thinking of you! I got your film back, you should check my blog as I posted my favorites. :)
Congratulations and hang in there.

Katie said...

Woo Hoo! I know exactl how you feel, you have a VERY nice doctor. I am so excited for you!

nathalia said...

Of course we care! That's awesome! Congrats dearie!

Jess said...

Amber, congrats! That is huge! Every day counts when you are sick of being pregnant. That is Tessa's birthday. We may have kids with the same birthday! :)

Heather said...

You are one lucky girl. I couldn't convince my doctor to induce me on my due date when I was expecting Madelin, even though we were going to be moving and driving across the country 3 weeks after she was due. Oh well, we survived even with her arriving a week late.:)
We are so excited for you!

Holly Sanders said...

a week early in the life of a pregnant woman is HUGE! Those last few weeks are not fun. Look forward to hearing the news of her arrival. Hang in there!

Shannon said...

Wow--I am so excited for you!! The last few weeks are horrible (especially with preeclampsia), so I am pumped for you and the earlier due date. Can't wait to hear from you and the arrival of your little bundle of joy!! Love ya!!

Jenn said...

Amber, congrats on persuading your doctor! Maybe if you're really nice to Taylor, he'll just give you a home-style delivery even earlier!

Be sure to post lots of pics when the baby arrives.

Joni said...

I've booked my flight Amber! I'll see you August 29th if that little dolly doesn't come you! Mom

Angela said...

Yea! Congratulations, we're excited to see this new little one!

Holly said...

Hooray! It's so much more fun to plan than have the nightly "Maybe tonight he'll come" conversation. LOL Our OB here was great and actually recommended we induce before Jon went back to PA for finals... He broke my water in the office and we all drove to the hospital. he was due 5/29, but got to come 5/11 - it was great! Good luck to you both - enjoy the next week!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! I am so excited for you. I hope you go early. I am leaving town on the 30th.

Christen said...

That is so exciting!! Good luck with everything - you're going to be great! Can't wait to see pictures and hear the name!

Krystin Coburn said...

What a blessing!! YEAH!! Good luck tomm! I wish I had done that. I will send your stuff this week! I wish I had your doctor. I am so happy for you!!