On August 26th, 2007 our little Princess arrived unannounced and 11 days early. My water broke at 3:30am that Sunday and by 2:10pm she was born, all 6 lbs 10 ounces and 19 1/4" of her. Zoe Brooke Pollei... one of our orginal names, finally was decided the last day at the hospital. She's already sassy and taking after her mom. But we can't quite figure out who she looks like. We will post more photos later. She already looks so different from the ones from the hospital. But for those who wanted to see her... here she is!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
She's Here!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Blog changes
Sorry about all my blog changes, I can't decide what I want our blog to look like. The current look isn't doing it for me either, but I am still really new at this so I think your going to see it change periodically over the next few weeks to months until I like it. You all have such awesome blogs... I should of taken more classes in college in computers... oh well.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Quick Update- New Due date!!!
So I had another appointment with the doc today. Turns out that my plan to plead for him to induce me before my due date, wasn't in fact all that hard. I am almost 38 weeks pregnant, and at this point almost 90% efaced and 2 centimeters dialated. He was quite shocked to see me so efaced, given that this is my first baby, but was totally comfortable inducing me on my requested date. Secretly I think he thinks that I will probably go into labor before then and he won't have to induce me.. but it makes me feel better regardless. So my due date is Sept 6th, but he's agreed to induce me a whole week early, on August 30th. To some of you, you may be thinking that this is not a big deal.. but to me.. it's huge. For one my mom can try to plan to be there, given I don't go into labor before hand, and two.. Taylor can plan on being there for sure given his rotation if we have her that day. Of course he would be there regardless, but this way he can be home longer and over the the weekend, rather than me having her on some obscure day where he has to rush back to his rotation the next day. So for anyone that is remotely interested in my good news.... there it is. I will be having her within TEN days. Yeah! We will keep things updated!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Baby Stuff
Baby Shower
I just wanted to say Thank You to all those who were able to come to my shower, it was so fun and it was awesome to see everyone. I couldn't of asked for better friends, thank you again.... and wow...hats off to the those that are so crafty... I am very impressed.
In the above picture is Angela Stevens and Teri Miller Friends from the ward, and on the bottom is Jamie Bohn and little Ezra, Jamie helped in throwing me this awesome shower, it's her house that we are in... isn't it soo cute? Jamie your awesome... thanks again.
Look at the cute pajamas and the home made towel ..... I am so excited!!
The food was excellent, mint brownies, chicken salad sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries....what else would you want?
This is Ashely one of my best friends from when I first got married. We are four weeks apart in our due dates. She is the one behind my awesome Shower... you're the best Ash, thanks for all you do. This is my other really good friend Ginny, all three of us lived in Roberta Lynn... our very first apartment complex in good old Provo. Our husbands all studied together and we were neighbors on the third floor. We've sorta been inseparable since then... way back in 2003. Ironically all three of our husbands got into schools in Pennsylvania. Taylor at Drexel Med, in Philly, Justin (Ashley's hubbie).. Temple Dental in Philly, and Kort (Ginny's husband) at Hershey Med, in Hershey Pa. It's been so fun to be out here together. Go.... School!!!
More pictures.... eating and watching me open presents... thanks for humoring me guys...